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Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Stay Healthy in the Workplace

By : RO

Health is wealth which is priceless. As an employee, you must already know how important maintaining your health, because it affects your productivity and the team.

Declining health also raises a dilemma. When you get sick, rest will help restore the body, but with the consequences of making your work unfinished. If you keep working, the quality of your work are also not maximal. That's why, although it seems impossible for will never fall sick, at least the following tips will help you to stay healthy in the workplace.

1. Frequent hand washing.
Every time you go from the bathroom, before eating, every time you cough or sneeze, make it a habit to wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Put a bottle of Hand Sanitizer at your desk, if you do not allow for frequent down the sink.

2. Keep your workspace clean / your cubicle.
Regularly clean the telephone, computer keyboard and other items you use frequently.

3. Do not miss breakfast.
Always take time for breakfast because the breakfast with a balanced diet will give you energy to start the day. Get used to breakfast with foods containing high protein and fiber. Sandwich wholemeal bread, fruit salad and low fat milk will increase your energy and keep you full longer than with a breakfast of fried rice and coffee.

4. Avoid co-workers who are sick.
Although it would be better if they were resting at home, sometimes the work load pile up does not allow this. Try as much as possible to avoid direct contact with them. Obviously done politely.

5. Drinking water or other fluids at least eight glasses a day.
Carbonated beverages and coffee may help you stay alert and awake during your work. However, both types of these beverages are diuretics that also can lead to dehydration. So make sure your body continues to get a supply of water at least as much as eight glasses a day. Put your dimeja water bottle to ease your drink.

6. Take frequent breaks.
When you feel tired or sore, get up from your chair and walk for several minutes. Or you can also do stretching.

7. Take off that should be rightfully yours.
Research shows that most people who do not use their leave rights will be more easy to get sick. Vacation is one way to relieve work pressure. Although only a long weekend, use these days for a vacation to forget for a moment of your job.

8. Stop smoking.
Already a common thing many people know that smoking is a negative impact to the body. Proved more easy to get sick smokers than non smokers. Opposite to the myth which says that smoking can increase productivity, instead of giving effect olahragalah good for productivity. Nicotine from cigarettes actually trigger and increase the body's stress levels.

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