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Senin, 28 Juni 2010

How To 'Attention' in the Workplace

By : Faizal

In the latest poll conducted by a popular daily, the majority of employees believe that a serious look at doing the tasks given are not enough to boost a career. There is another way that is more effective when you want to get a chance to a better career path, which is in contact (either externally or internally) and find the tasks challenging but potential.

1. Friends with colleagues from other departments
With a relationship of friendship with colleagues from other departments, it will make you known as a sociable figure, and eventually you will unlock opportunities in the future get a promotion or salary increase. If you later appointed to head a project for instance, the extent of your association would facilitate you to choose the people who are capable / able in his work.

2. Establish networking with other company employees
Network has a connection to another company will make your profile in the eyes of peers is high. You may be the most reliable in the knowledge development of other companies. In addition, indirectly you will be treated as an unofficial spokesperson for the company of others, which shows your leadership ability.

3. Learn the latest technology
We have a new grip force in the world of business: who master the technology, it was he who rules the world. Although you've worked, it does not mean you no longer need to learn. Could one of the first master the technological advances such as computer programs in circulation now will make the higher your profile in the eyes of colleagues.

4. Take a risk by doing hard work
Maybe in your career you will find that the task / assignment is so hard, your work colleagues so reluctant to be selected as project officer. Observe well, maybe this job can be a major ticket you get a chance. Do not be afraid to fail, because, although ultimately this work will be completed only half of it, your name will be known as people who dare to take risks and willing to work hard.

5. Recognize limit your ability
Okay you do various tasks that are difficult, but not to do it carelessly. Your objective is so that people (and bosses) know that you will have the ability to perform difficult tasks. If not capable, why forced? Later results will be even impacting negatively on your self-image in front of colleagues.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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