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Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Five Ways to Go Green Without Going Insane

by Charlene Prince Birkeland

I recently read a story in The New York Times by a reporter who decided to build an outdoor clothesline as a way to save energy. It was beautifully written and almost poetic. Like the reporter, I, too, was soon remembering the days when I was a child and helped my mom and grandmother hang and retrieve clothes from our outdoor clothesline. We even had a indoor clothesline for those foggy San Francisco days.

I started to think about my family's approaching summer and the gorgeous, hot, sun-filled days we experience. Again, like the Times reporter, I envisioned my two sons playing in the backyard while I clipped or unclipped our digs from the clothesline. I could see them running around the towels and sheets drying...such a romantic notion.

I pondered: Why couldn't we build an outdoor clothesline and reduce our energy use during the summer months? And before I knew it, I was telling my husband about my plan.

Suddenly, the record player spinning a tune in my brain began to jump and scratch. Because hello, why would I choose to make my life as a working mom more insane? I can get a load of laundry done and toss another load in the washer before I'm even out the door the morning. Even in the interest of going green, I have to draw the line at practicality.

But the "crazedparent family," as we are dubbed on my personal blog, tries to be as environmentally conscious as possible. And on Earth Day, I thought I'd share my five simple ways for any working mom to help her family go green without going crazy in the process. In fact, these tips may even make your life a little easier.

* Use Method products: The entire line of Method cleaners is biodegradable and non-toxic. The bottles are sleek and classy, and the scents are so good on the nose. We are big fans of the hand sanitizers and soaps. But let me introduce you to their gift to parents everywhere: the ylang ylang daily shower spray. If there's one chore I detest it's scrubbing the shower. And I haven't had to scrub it in a month because this spray prevents buildup. Good stuff. And you can buy it at Target (I just gave you an excuse to go shopping! Yah!)

* Use CleanWell Hand Sanitizer: I think I tell every single mom I meet about CleanWell. Get rid of your bottles of alcohol-reeking Purell and replace it with this non-toxic spray. It's on the pricey side, but well worth it when you think of how many times a day you need to wash or spritz your kid's hands.

* Buy locally-grown produce: It's spring, which means that your local Farmer's Market scene should be swinging into full gear. Enjoy a morning or afternoon outdoors with your kids while you pick up some delicious fruit, veggies and other organically grown goodies.

* Pay your bills online: If your bank allows you to pay bills online, use it. No envelopes, no stamps, no trips to the post office on your lunch break. What more can you ask for?

* Stop buying books about Mommy Wars. Seriously, think of all the trees that died to print copies of books that simply get us all riled up and into heated debates about a concept that we'd just as soon leave back on the steps of our old high schools.

Hope you had a great Earth Day! And by all means, share your tips to go green without going insane.

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