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Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Career Success Starts With Work Passion

By : Clarance Sim

Is your career also your passion today?

Most people spend more time researching and evaluating a cell phone purchase than they do on that very important thing in life - a career. The fact of the matter is that you can significantly increase the odds of building a career you love by taking a few simple factors into account. These include knowing exactly what you love to do, what you want to get out of it as well as what you are willing to give up in return.

Alas, this is not the path most people approach their careers.

The truth is that most people don't plan their careers - they just take jobs. And even when they do some planning, they base their decision on only one or two factors, like salary, when there are other equally important things to take into consideration as well. Soon, they will find themselves not enjoying their work. You can avoid this problem by considering the following factors.

1. Culture or Environment
What kind of culture or environment attracts you most?

2. Colleagues and Customers
How well do you communicate with other people? Your colleagues and customers are two important groups of people that you cannot disregard

3. Remuneration
Everybody has a baseline in terms of the pay and benefits they are comfortable to settle for. Know what is yours.

4. Satisfaction and rewards
If your job brings you great satisfaction, you will enjoy working and rewards would simply be a natural occurrence.

There is also another way to inject more jive into your career, and that's to start an online business that revolves around your interest or hobbies. The internet provides plenty of opportunities but one of the best approaches I've found is simply to sell a product or service that could help others yet brings a smile on your face.

Educate yourself. Get started!

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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