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Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Contract / Freelance Work Available

By : freejobseekerhelp

In today’s economy more and more companies are looking to independent contractors, otherwise known as Freelancers, as a viable source of labor. Jobs that are accomplished by these professionals range from basic accounting to the design and launch of corporate finance operations.

The Corporate Perspective

Companies enjoy this labor model because it saves them large amounts of capital through elimination of expenses like unemployment liabilities, employment taxes, health care costs, and much more.

Problems With Freelance Work

There are countless websites that are a waste of time and list illegitimate positions. Jobs like licking stamps and filling out surveys have put a black eye on the rest of the freelance market and given it a bad name.

The Reason There Is A Need For Freelancers

Dating back to September of 2008 when the entire global financial system almost melted down, companies have been pricing in a business environment worse than that of the great depression. To clarify, they have been preparing their operations for the possible worse case scenario. Now that the Great Depression Part 2 has been taken off the table many companies have realized that they have cut to deep. They have laid off and fired to many people.

Many of the business managers that I have spoke with are still concerned about a double dip recession. They do not want to go all out, hire all the full time professionals they need for their operations, and return to pre-recession employment numbers if the economy is going to take another dip before a full recovery.

This is where the push for freelance professionals comes into play. My advice, if you are considering freelance work, is to take a good hard look at your marketable skills, and then look for quality, legitimate positions in high demand by employers.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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