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Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Reinventing Your Career - 3 Tips to Help You Remember How You Show Up Matters

By : Jenny Kerr

Let's face it. Some days are just harder than others. It's easy to let one bad day turn into ten, then before you know it months have gone by and you have strayed away from your goals. I'm not sure why that happens, it's almost like we become content in our misery and accept our conditions. How you show up during your day can mean the difference between staying in a situation you don't like, or moving on to reach your goals. This is especially important when you are reinventing your career since we seem to spend most of our time at work or thinking about it!

If you are working towards reinventing your career because you are stuck in a job you hate, chances are this has happened to you. Don't feel alone, it has happened to me too! The drudgery of going to a job you don't like day in and day out can take its toll on you.

Don't let one bad day turn into something that takes you away from your goals. Here are three tips to help you remember how you show up matters:

1. It's the little things that add up - The little things we do each day add up to have the biggest impact on our lives. Whether you want to to lose weight, get out of debt or reinvent your career, make sure you are doing one thing each day to get closer to that goal. These steps, which may seem minor at the time, add up to a big pay off when you look back at how far you've come.

2. You can talk yourself into a good mood or talk yourself out of a bad mood - Mindset can have a huge impact on how we handle our days. Negative self-talk will only drive a wedge further between you and your goals. Reading and learning more about mindset can start to transition your thoughts away from the negative to the positive.

3. Find your why - Why are you doing what you do? What drives you to make the choices you do every day? On the days its particularly hard to get motivated or your just not in the mood, think about your why to get your motivation back. If this doesn't work for you, you might need to ask yourself the tough questions and rethink your why.

How you show up matters more than most of us realize. Using these tips, you can help to turn something negative into a positive that allows you to continue on the path of reaching your goals.

Job Indonesia , Indonesia Job , Job Vacancy

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