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Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Holiday Shopping for a Job

How to Get Ahead of the Post-Season Competition
by Caroline M.L. Potter, Yahoo! HotJobs

While you're making your holiday shopping list (and checking it twice), make sure you start looking for what you really need: a new job.

Conventional wisdom may say that the fourth quarter isn't an ideal time to find work -- but conventional wisdom is wrong, according to job-market expert Janet White. She says, "In my opinion, there is no such thing as an ideal time to job hunt or not job hunt."

Companies are still hiring, and their decision-makers are still on the job in November and December. John Challenger, CEO of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the nation's oldest outplacement consulting firm, says, "Big business doesn't slow down anymore. In kinder, gentler days, things may have eased up between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day, but not today."

White can confirm this firsthand, "Last year, I was laid off one week before Christmas, and I had another job offer within 18 hours."

Forget the Economy

It's hard to ignore the news of a troubled economy, and it's easy to feel defeated before you even begin searching for work. But, she reveals, "At any given time, regardless of what the economy is doing, of the time of year it is, of what the Fed or the headlines say, there will be companies that are thriving and others that are not."

Avoid looking at the job market or a particular industry as a whole. White, author of "Secrets of the Hidden Job Market," advises, "You can't make generalizations. Instead, just look for the companies that are doing well -- the ones that are expanding and buying up the assets of failing companies."

Focus on Your Attitude

It sounds simple enough, but while looking for a job, you have to project a positive attitude, even if you've recently lost a job. "If you're mired in negativity, nobody will hire you," White points out. She cautions, "If you believe all the negative news and really take it to heart that it's tough out there, I guarantee you will have a hard time. Conversely, if you believe we live in an abundant universe with enough possibilities for everyone, you'll find opportunity."

If you're having a tough time accentuating the positive, try focusing on the good things in your life -- be it family, friends, unemployment benefits, or food on your table. White says, "It's hard to be negative when you're feeling grateful."

Look Beyond the Job Listings

There are thousands of advertisements for new jobs on Yahoo! HotJobs every day, and you should use these ads to search for work. But you should also feel empowered to approach potential employers independently -- especially if you think they're in need of your skills. "If you realize that the only reason someone hires you is because you can solve a problem, you'll realize there are countless opportunities for you."

In fact, White's 18-hour job search ended when she sought out a company that she believed needed someone with her skill set. Before clearing out her desk at her former job, White says, "I sent an email with the passing thought that, given their circumstances, if anyone could use me to help them build their business, it would be them." The next morning, the president of that organization was calling to begin creating a position for her.

As you search for work -- this holiday season or any time -- remember to remain positive. White adds, "Anything you focus on or believe to be true will become your experience, like it or not and whether you want it or not."

Job Info , Jobs Sources , Career Opportunity

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