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Senin, 01 November 2010

When the First Interview Is a Phone Call


With companies sometimes receiving hundreds of applications for a single job, it is becoming more common for hiring managers to conduct initial screening interviews over the phone. This saves them considerable time and money — especially if a candidate lives out of town.

Don’t take these interviews lightly. “It is important to prepare for a telephone interview just as you would for a regular interview,” said Alison Doyle, a job search specialist for, which is owned by The New York Times Company.

The employer will normally call or e-mail you in advance to set up an interview time. If possible, arrange for the interview to be over a landline phone, as it tends to be more reliable than a cellphone. Make sure that children, pets and other sources of interruption will be out of the room. Keep a glass of water nearby.

Phone interviews can often last a half-hour to an hour, Ms. Doyle said; be sure to have your resume in front of you, along with a list of your accomplishments. Long pauses or halting responses caused by a lack of preparation could keep you from making it to the next stage. Do your best to be personable, but don’t overdo it by, say, trying to tell a joke and guffawing.

One advantage of a phone interview is that you don’t need to worry about what to wear (although dressing up might make you feel more confident). But some companies have started to conduct video interviews, Ms. Doyle said, sending Webcams to be used temporarily by applicants who don’t have them at home.

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