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Senin, 20 September 2010

Career Risks - Face Up the Fear of Failure

By : Adrian F Alexa

Building up a career is a challenge, it takes time, effort and of course a grain of luck. What happens when you do not pursue the path that you initially planned? Many have experienced episodes of failure, which might have dragged them down. It is important to manage wisely this kind of experience so as we will not let our pursuit be affected.

Therefore, if we want to cope with career failure, we should change our attitude, more precisely, we should approach from a different point of view all our endeavors. Here are some steps you may follow:

Risks is not equal to failure

Be being afraid of failure, we have an exaggerate tendency to associate risks with negative thoughts and implicitly the entire pursuit. We might call this a sort of auto-sabotage as if we voluntarily annihilate our perspectives to reach success. First of all, taking all the risks is the first step we make towards success. Try to envisage the positive side when you need to take further your career, soon you will realize that taking risks is worth considering.

Success is not a chain reaction

Mistakes, errors, wrong choices, call the as you wish, arre part of our lives. They make us stronger and quite often stand for a good lesson. Thus, each time you fail, think of how you can explore positively that particular experience. This strategy teaches you how to look for the bright side in all your attempts.

Be realistic

Self-confidence is nonetheless your key to career success, yet it is highly recommended to be fully aware of your own potential so that you will prevent a good row of deceptions related to your career.

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