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Senin, 27 September 2010

The Way It Is, Is The Way We All Make It

By Joshua Clayton

In life, volitional purpose is the power. The only freedom we have as conscious sentient beings, if anything else is not available to us is our thoughts and what we all choose to make of them. Unconscious life does not have that freedom, despite some people screaming that unconscious beings can build societies and have the same rights as conscious beings. For the way it is, is the way we all make it consciously. Nothing else matters.

Sure, I will admit that I do sound extreme. But I am only being overtly logical for this reason. Because at the deepest and shallowest levels, reality works this way. It works on more than confidence, and people respect results more than they respect intentions. That is just the reality of the situation.

I know that this way of thinking seems limited to some, but, you have to go from the limited to the unlimited in a growth oriented way to get anywhere in life and existence. We all start out at zero and we can go up, down or anywhere we want or need to go. Sure, that sounds limited. But the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step, even if you are getting on a plane or ship. Likewise with reality. For, indeed, the fantasy is that we are "there" and can grow "sideways without effort." It does not work that way, even for those who have it "easy," especially for those who have it "easy." Conscious nature is made to work best in the midst of the use of growth potential or the fulfillment of effort and reality. Well, ease makes laziness in that sense then, does it not? Yes, I definitely think so. Some of the greatest accomplishments of the conscious mind comes when things are hard and made easier. For the way it is, is the way we all make it.

Sure, this sounds like "cracker barrel" philosophy and physics to some, but this eminently shows nothing other than reality as it is and as it really works and nothing more. Reality is what I live by in a cold way without let up of any sort, sure I feel the feelings everyone else has. But I do not let them stop me from doing what I genuinely need to do. The way I like it is the way it is for me, and I'll always work on it, through it and at it. As for being master of fate and captain of soul, that must be earned, even for those it is "given to," it is not given. It must be worked for and worked, or it is worth nothing, no matter if you are born rich or whatever. We all have the same challenges to develop no matter what. That is my point and the way it is, is the way we all make it.


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