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Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

A Better You - Upgrading your Skills and Self-Improvement

By Staff

job, jobs, career

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You don't have to be currently looking for a job to upgrade your skills or do a little self-improvement. All you need is the desire to learn something new.

Here are a few suggestions for things that you can do that will make you a better person, a better worker, and a better job prospect.

Upgrade Your Computer Skills:

Always wanted to learn how to do something on the computer? Want to learn spreadsheets or how to get the most out of your software? Well, wait no further. There are specialty schools that offer lots of computer training choices and classes you can take in the evening. But you don't have to go to a lot of expense. Pick up a book from the library and devote some time. You can also check out community organizations that offer inexpensive (sometimes free) computer training. It will pay off in your workplace and later should you start looking for another job. Computers will always be a fact of work. Why not know all you can to make your job easier?

Take a Writing Course:

Writing skills are critical in the workplace and in everyday life. You don't need to be Shakespeare to work in an office, but having the ability to write clearly can help you in so many ways. If you have to create presentations, write reports, or email clients, you want to be able to put all your thoughts and information accurately down on paper. If you write professionally, you will be perceived as a professional. Many community organizations and groups offer classes like this. Look in your local newspaper or online for classes.

Improve your Communication Skills:

Do you have a hard time saying what you feel? Do you get the feeling no one pays attention to your contributions at work? You can likely benefit from taking a communication course. Courses like these not only help you communicate more effectively, but they also encourage you to develop better relationships with people. Because communication is a two-way street, you need to be able to ask for what you want. Learning good communication skills helps you do that.

Work on Yourself:

Are there aspects of your life you'd like to improve? Why not work on them? Do you have a lot of stress in your life? Is it affecting your work? Is it affecting your home life? The more you learn about stress and what triggers it, the better able you are to be productive and emotionally healthy. Working on yourself is a great way to make changes in your life. Do you have to deal with difficult people in your job? Is your boss a bully? You can't change others around you, but you can certainly learn how to better deal with them. If you invest some time in improving your ability to handle difficult people, chances are you will benefit in more ways than you think. Ask your local health professionals about classes being offered in your area.

Learn a New Language:

Whether it's for yourself or whether it's for work, learning a new language can open a world of opportunities for you. The great thing about learning a new language is that you can learn just enough to get by or you can dive in head first and submerge yourself in a new culture. Keep in mind that it takes a lot of effort, but it is certainly possible. It's easier to learn and to keep up a new language if you speak it frequently, so try to make some new friends who speak it. Many jobs in Canada now cite French as an asset so consider that as an idea if you want to improve your job prospects.

There are many other things you can do to upgrade your skills and to improve yourself. When you learn a new skill, you not only improve your abilities but you also help your self-esteem and your confidence. And whether this benefits you at work or in your personal life, taking a little time to do something you really want is its own reward.

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